Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Happy Easter!!  

We had a nice vacation, it is always good to get away! I can say I could pass on 5 hours in the car with a two year old but it was a nice get away and the kids had a great time, after we got there!! Anyway, I did have a few orders come in after I got back and just finished them tonight. I can still do some stuff if you have any last minute orders for Sunday. If not, I hope all of you have a wonderful Easter!! I will be starting 4th of July stuff soon!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


I am going to be on vacation this next week for Spring Break (3/20 to 3/28) and will be open again on 3/29. You can still email me any questions and orders and I will get back to you as soon as I get back! Thanks so much!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Key holder for my sis  

I needed one more little thing to give my sister for her wedding. I decided to make her this rack she could hang keys, hats, whatever from! I like the way it turned out!! These are $15

Sponge Bob tray for Sir Cody  

My nephew just turned 2 and loves Sponge Bob. Since Miss Priss loves her tray so much I decided to make Cody one!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Emmie's Elmo Outfit  

My baby girl is turning 2!! I can't believe it!! She loves Elmo so we are doing her party in Elmo of course!! I made this outfit for her invite pics and for her to wear at her party. She loves it!! I think she looks presh in it! I can make these in elmo, cookie monster, whatever you want! More pics to come of the birthday bash!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Spring dresses  

I so love these! The damask are my favorites!! I am making Emmie's like this for Easter! The dresses are $20 plain or $25 with the ribbon trim at the bottom

Welcome baby girl!  

The same girl who ordered the "M" hospital door hanger ordered this set from me. She is due any day and needed this asap. She wanted matching for boy and girl in pastels...I love the way it turned out, it is hard to find fabrics that will go for either but I think this is perfect!! Love it!

More hog sets  

I have a presh mom who is a very dedicated customer and has two adorable little girls wanted a matching hog set for the darling divas! I can't wait to see them in these outfits!! The outfits are $45 each or two for $85

Team mom.....  

I had a lady email me needing some shirts for her and her friends who are proud parents of the Vipers! I think these turned out really cute! The only thing we ran into was a shirt size issue! I had a really hard time finding the right size. It is easy to fit kids but adults really need to try clothes on. I have decided from now on that I need an exact shirt size from Old Navy, Cato or Wal Mart in order to do the order for adults. I hate to do this but I ended up making lots of trips to other towns and having to spend more than usual on the shirt and it still didn't fit so had to redo. Anyway, they liked the way they turned out and I am glad I could help!! I love designing shirts, etc for people and proud to know they are wearing them!! These are $20 each but I do work with you on bulk orders!

Easter buckets!  

I am doing all kinds of Easter buckets again this year. I have some down at the shop for examples and am selling them online. I just need to know if you want plastic or metal, theme and name you want! Metal are 18.50 and plastic are 10! The small candy buckets are $10